
1332 items found, showing page 9 of 111

Green Park Station-7

New buzz service to connect south Reading with Green Park Station

  • South Reading residents to have new hourly link to Green Park Station six days per week
  • New buzz 9 service part of the Council’s £26m Bus Service Improvement Plan
counterfeit goods PR

Residents urged to be scam-smart this Christmas

  • Avoid counterfeit goods this Christmas
  • Steer clear of dangerous toys online
  • Don’t be tempted to borrow money from unscrupulous loan sharks
Creative Funding

Creative Grants Available for Local Residents

Council joining forces with Creative Lives, a national charity that promotes taking part in creative activity to boost well-being and help people feel connected to the place where they live.

Reading Minster

Invitation to the Civic Carol Service 2023

  • Annual Civic Carol Concert being held at Reading Minster of St Mary the Virgin, 14 December from 6:30pm
  • Service includes carols, readings, and a performance from Ukrainian choir Kryla
Amethyst Lane artist impression

Planning Approval for More Affordable Council Homes and Respite Care Facility

  • Planning approval for 47 new affordable Council homes and a respite care facility
  • Developments to make use of pockets of Council owned land
Car Exhaust 2

Have your say on plans to tackle air pollution in Reading

  • Consultation launched on Reading’s Air Quality Action Plan 2024-29
  • Reading’s air quality is improving but some areas are still above pollution targets
  • Measures in the plan to benefit people’s health, the environment and quality of life
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Council Frustrated in Bid to Tackle Sub-Standard Homes

  • Council planning policy aimed at reducing the number of sub-standard homes in Reading now covers only 21% of the scheme's original area after a Government ruling
  • Permitted Development Rights can lead to residents moving into areas that are unsuitable as places to live, due to noise, disturbance and air quality issues
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High Inflation and Cost-of-Living Drives New Demand for Council Services

  • Latest budget update shows the financial impact of high inflation and increased demand for Council services as the cost-of-living crisis continues
  • Nearly £13 million in savings, efficiencies and income likely to be required over the next three years
  • Council awaits Local Government Finance Settlement details before finalising its budget in February
Schools' Climate Conference

Local school pupils take part in mock COP28 conference in Reading

  • Students from eight local secondary schools debating climate change in Reading council chamber
  • Local decision makers, experts and activists quizzed by students in a Climate Question Time
  • Annual Reading Model Climate Conference celebrating its 10th anniversary
South Reading MRT

New Sunday bus service for Green Park Village and Mereoak P&R

  • Council funds new Sunday 650 bus route to serve south Reading
  • Free to use throughout December
  • New route part of the Council’s £26m Bus Service Improvement Plan