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STP 0252-7

Small Grants Making a Big Difference

  • The next bidding round of the Council's popular Small Grants Fund scheme has opened today
  • Community groups have another chance to bid for a share of £100,000 worth of funds to host activities, particularly in parts of Reading where need is greatest
  • Huge array of activities took place as part of last year's Council initiative

Local Plan Consultation Offers Opportunity to Help Shape the Future of Reading

  • Public consultation launches today on key local planning document which will help shape the future of Reading 
  • Council is proposing changes to increase the number of family-sized homes, affordable homes and set high standards for developers on sustainable housing
  • Residents have until the end of January to take part
Hexham Road sheltered housing application-2

Planning Approved for Sheltered Housing and Day Opportunities Centre

  • 42 new one-bedroom homes to be built for people aged over 55 years
  • Day Opportunities Centre for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities
New festoon lighting in Chain Street, as well as Union Street, has increased visibility and safety in two key cut throughs in Reading

Town centre measures to improve safety of women and girls

  • More CCTV cameras in areas where people feel less safe
  • Additional street lighting
  • Measures to reduce anti-social and predatory behaviour
Our Fav

Our Favourites: highlights from 75 years of collecting at Royal Berkshire Archives

  • Free exhibition showing the breadth of Berkshire’s history is open at the Royal Berkshire Archives, Coley Avenue, in Reading.
Cllr Terry, RVA, RBC

Council and Voluntary Sector Come Together to Improve Lives in Reading

A NEW agreement between Reading’s vibrant voluntary and community sector and the Council promises to build on progress so far and further improve quality of life for residents and communities across Reading.

Landlord pic

Council invites residents to free Landlord Information Evening

  • Free event takes place on Thursday 23 November
  • Landlords can find out the latest legislation updates and attend valuable workshops
CDP 2023

Reading makes global environmental A List for third successive year

  • Reading one of only 119 towns and cities in the world to make CPD A List 2023
  • Only 26 UK authorities achieve A status in the ‘gold standard’ of environmental reporting
  • Call for Reading residents, businesses and organisations to help keep up the momentum
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Royal Visit for Reading’s Abbey Gateway and Ruins

  • HRH The Duke of Gloucester visits Reading’s oldest gem
  • Reading Abbey, once one of Europe's largest royal monasteries founded by King Henry I in 1121
Polling Stations Review

Have your say on improvements to Reading’s polling districts and polling places

  • National review of polling places stations and stations occurs every 5 years, Reading's runs from 1 Nov to 1 Dec
  • Looks at improving facilities and optimising accessibility for all voters
Gaia 3

Reading cuts carbon emissions by 51% and Council reduces own carbon footprint by 74%

  • Reading achieves eighth largest reduction in carbon emissions in the country since 2005
  • Reading Borough Council cuts its own carbon footprint by 74% in 14 years
  • Council achieves target to reduce fossil fuel use by 50% two years early
  • Call for Reading residents, businesses, communities and organisations to re-double efforts to reach net zero by 2030
No 17 Reading bus

Consultation on proposals to speed up bus journeys in Reading

  • Consultation launched on six proposed new bus lanes
  • Council’s £26m investment aims to make bus services even faster and more reliable
  • Residents can have their say at community drop-in sessions and online