104 items found, showing page 4 of 9

Council Launches ‘Love Your Park’ Anti-litter Campaign
- 'Love your Park' aims to encourage people to put litter in the bin or take it home – and will promote three quick ways to report full bins for emptying.
- The increase in litter in Reading's parks last year compared to the year before was roughly equivalent to 75 bull elephants or 250 cars!

Archaeological Survey at Palmer Park
- The survey is part of the pre-work needed for Reading’s leisure planning application
- Six exploratory trenches will appear from Monday 15th March

Exciting ‘Virtual’ Preview of Reading’s New Leisure Facilities
- leisure video offers a glimpse of the new facilities located at Rivermead and Palmer Park
- video showcases virtual CGI models, combined with artist’s impressions and drone footage to bring the project to life

Winning Design for new Cintra Park Playground Announced
- The contract for the refurbishment of Cintra Park Children's Playground in south Reading has been awarded to HAGS after receiving 60% of the votes in a public consultation.
- The planned £85k refurbishment will include improved access into and around the playground itself and is due to be completed in Spring 2021

Planning Applications Submitted for New Leisure Project
- Two major planning applications have been submitted for Rivermead and Palmer Park sites.
- Important next step in providing first-class leisure facilities for Reading.

Residents Invited to Vote on New Cintra Park Playground Designs
- Cintra Park's Children's Playground in south Reading is set to benefit from an £85k investment.
- 3 designs from leading, specialist companies have been shortlisted.
- Local residents will be able to vote for their preferred design in an online consultation at
- The winning design will be announced on the 8th January 2021 and be ready for use in Spring 2021.