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re3 - Flex Collect bales

Plastic Bags and Wrapping Recycling Trial Expanded to Reach 10,000 Households in Reading

  • Reading households trialling plastic bags and wrapping kerbside collections more than doubles to 10,000
  • Trial is helping reduce Reading's carbon footprint
  • For those not in the trial, soft plastics can be recycled at many supermarkets
Recycle week 2023

Christchurch Bridge goes green for Recycle Week

  • Council urges residents to make use of free food waste recycling service to reduce landfill
  • Residents asked to ensure batteries, small electricals and vapes are recycled properly and not thrown away
  • National theme for recycle week is the Big Recycling Hunt highlighting key items often not recycled that should be
re3 Smallmead Recycling Centre in Island Road, Reading, where a fire broke out last week

Fire at re3 Recycling Centre in Reading Highlights Dangers of Throwing Away Batteries

  • Fire last week has led to reminders for residents to recycle batteries and battery-operated products separately
  • Items such as phones, electric toothbrushes, toys and vapes can be dangerous if put in general waste or recycling
  • re3 has suffered 10 fires this year, with batteries being the main cause
One of Reading's food waste collection vehicles which residents now have the chance to name

Your chance to name one of Reading’s food waste collection trucks

  • Enter your food waste truck name suggestion online for a chance to see it printed on a vehicle collecting in Reading
  • Reading's food waste trucks are collecting over 2kg of food waste weekly on average from participating households
  • Food waste recycling reduces waste going to landfill, saves money, and is turned into fertiliser and electricity
Cllr Karen Rowland, Reading's Lead Member for Environmental Services and Community Safety, out collecting bulky items with Reading's waste team

New free bulky waste collection service begins

  • Reading households can now book a free bulky waste collection every six months
  • New free service will assist residents to dispose of large items and reduce number of trips needed to the re3 centre
  • £250,000 annual investment will also help to discourage fly tipping
Councillor Adele Barnett-Ward, Lead Councillor for Neighbourhoods & Communities, with Reading's new electric refuse collection vehicle

Berkshire’s First All-Electric Waste Collection Vehicle Unveiled in Reading

  • First fully electric waste collection vehicle in Berkshire comes as a direct response to Reading's climate emergency
  • Vehicle will make collections from 1,400 houses daily and drive 8,000 miles a year with no tailpipe emissions
  • It is powered by clean electricity generated by food waste collections introduced by Reading Borough Council in 2020