
82 items found, showing page 1 of 7

Solar panels being fitted 4

Residents Offered Chance to Save Money Through Solar Panel Initiative

  • Residents can now buy solar panels in the cheapest and easiest way possible
  • Free to register for more information from group buying scheme Solar Together 
  • Last year Reading residents were amongst almost 900 in Berkshire to take up the offer
The front of the new Arthur Hill affordable homes for key workers, which has retained the old swimming pool's original facade

New Council Homes for Reading’s Key Workers to Open

  • 15 key workers in Reading are set to move into new affordable homes
  • Development makes use of the former Arthur Hill pool site, and maintains the front facade of the building
  • The homes are part of the Council's £110m investment in over 400 new homes between 2021 and 2025
Amethyst Lane artist impression

Planning Approval for More Affordable Council Homes and Respite Care Facility

  • Planning approval for 47 new affordable Council homes and a respite care facility
  • Developments to make use of pockets of Council owned land
Landlord pic

Council invites residents to free Landlord Information Evening

  • Free event takes place on Thursday 23 November
  • Landlords can find out the latest legislation updates and attend valuable workshops
The modular homes site which houses 40 people who have formerly been rough sleeping

New funding allows Council to provide ongoing rough sleeping accommodation

  • Funding will allow continuation of wrap around care for 50 people in move on homes
  • The 50 homes at two sites form part of 249 bed spaces available for those found rough sleeping
Solar panels being fitted

Over 200 Reading residents to save money through Council solar initiative

  • 239 residents set to have solar panels installed in most cost effective way
  • Over 1,000 people expressed interest in the scheme
  • Offer gave residents chance to reduce their carbon emissions and save on energy bills
The front of Reading's North Street affordable homes development

North Street Affordable Homes Development Set To Open

  • 37 affordable Council homes are set to be officially opened tomorrow
  • The North Street development forms part of Council plans to build 400 new affordable homes
  • New homes have received positive feedback from tenants set to move in
Solar panels on the roof of the Council's Lyndhurst Road affordable homes. Now residents can follow suit at competitive prices.-2

Residents Offered Chance To Save Money Through Solar Panel Initiative

  • Residents can take advantage of competitive rates on solar panels through Solar Together's group-buying scheme
  • Making the switch can save money on energy bills and help towards Reading's net zero carbon target
  • Reading Borough Council's new build homes include solar panels to help reduce costs for tenants
Two new affordable homes in Whitley which have recently seen new tenants move in

Residents move into new affordable homes in Reading

  • Council in the middle of a programme to deliver 400 new affordable homes, an investment of over £110m
  • Infill sites plan sees use of  small pockets of derelict land contributing to those new homes
  • All homes built to passivhaus principles to be more environmentally friendly