Tap for Reading launch gives residents a better way to help tackle homelessness
- Tap for Reading provides the best way for residents to help tackle homelessness
- Donations can be made via five tap points in Reading or online
- Money raised goes to the Council's homelessness charity partners to help those most in need
Residents keen to help Reading’s homeless can now do so effortlessly via the new Tap for Reading initiative launching today.
The scheme is designed to ensure donations from the public reach those most in need whilst helping to deter begging on the streets, by encouraging people to change their method and desire to help the homeless by giving at a number of card tap points around the town centre.
The tap points can be found at locations including The Oracle, Broad Street Mall and Reading Station, and provide residents with an easy way to help the homeless through official channels. The locations for all donation points, more information on how the money will be spent and how to donate online if you can’t make it to a tap point, can be found at www.reading.gov.uk/tapforreading
Tap for Reading donations are divided equally between the four charities involved in Reading’s Homelessness Partnership – Launchpad Reading, The Salvation Army, St Mungo’s and YMCA Reading – to provide practical support to people who are, or have been, rough sleeping in Reading. They will ensure that essential items such as clothing, food, specialist courses, travel to appointments, kitchen items and furnishings to make a home, and ID support to open bank accounts, register with doctors and dentists, are received by those most in need. The use of Tap for Reading donations is overseen by trained professionals to get individuals off the streets and back on their feet by directing the funds to providing the most appropriate support for them personally.
By supporting the Tap for Reading scheme instead of giving direct to people on the streets, residents will also be helping to minimise begging, which at times can be aggressive and intimidating to those in the town centre. The public needs to be aware that there are no guarantees that those begging are homeless or that they will spend the money on essential items. So whilst it can seem like the kindest thing to do, giving money directly often means those most in need of genuine support do not receive help, at the expense of people who might not be homeless but may practice begging for other reasons.
100% of the money donated will go to the Council’s homelessness charity partners who will ensure that funds donated are used for what is needed directly and precisely to help Reading’s homeless population. Not a single penny of residents’ donations will go on the scheme’s administration fees or merchant service charges.
Karen Rowland, Lead Councillor for Environmental Services and Community Safety, said:
“We are acutely aware of the issues around begging in Reading town centre. Residents often feel uncomfortably put upon and compelled to give money when asked, but this action only leads to an increase in beggars who are sometimes aggressive and not actually homeless. Giving to those parties just diverts money away from those who genuinely have nothing and who most need help.
“People visiting Reading shouldn’t have to be worried about being approached by beggars, and with the launch of Tap for Reading there is a positive way for people to counter the begging culture by giving in the right way to those most in need. Our message is clear – Tap for Reading is now the best way to help our homeless in Reading. By giving solely with a “tap” it ensures your funds reach the right people in genuine need with the support they need. Together we can minimise the begging culture by not giving directly to those whose housing status or motivation may be unclear.
“Spread the word. With Tap for Reading we can address the issue of homelessness together and make a real difference”.
If residents can’t get to a tap point directly, they can also give to Tap for Reading through this link: www.reading.gov.uk/tapforreading.
The tap points have been set up by Reading Borough Council, in partnership with Reading’s Business Improvement District (BID), to support the work of its homelessness charity partners.
Su Hamblyn, CEO of Launchpad Reading said:
“Tap for Reading is a great way for residents and visitors to support people, who are genuinely homeless in the town, with confidence. Donations will help Launchpad and the other charities to break the cycle of homelessness; a great outcome for anyone who doesn’t have a home, as well as for our town.”Laurie Anderson, area operations manager for The Salvation Army’s Homelessness Services, said: “The Salvation Army are grateful to continue to collaborate with our existing partners to provide further opportunities for those who have experienced homelessness in Reading. The funding from the Tap for Reading scheme will enable our clients to achieve their personal goals and have further opportunities to break their cycle of homelessness.”
Dave Poulton, Chief Executive of YMCA Reading, said: “This is a great new initiative to ensure that those in the most need get vital help and support. By Tapping for Reading the public are ensuring that their generous donations are reaching people who are genuinely homeless. This is an opportunity for you to make a real difference via a network of local charities including the YMCA”.
Aside from using the Council’s tap points to help reduce homelessness, the best thing residents can do if they suspect someone is homeless is report it via www.thestreetlink.org.uk. Reports are sent straight to the Council’s commissioned outreach services so they can provide direct support to homeless people.
Notes to editors
Press release embargoed until Wednesday 29 January.