Latest news

Queens Rd

Driver fined for offering illegal taxi rides in Reading

  • Test purchase operation catches driver illegally plying for hire in town centre
  • Driver ordered to pay £788 and given six points on their driving licence
  • Licensing authority revoked the drivers licence as a result of prosecution
Food waste action week

Celebrate Food Waste Action Week by Reducing and Recycling Your Food Waste

  • Food Waste Action Week encourages people to buy loose fruit and veg to cut back on waste
  • Residents of Reading are currently recycling 555 tonnes of food waste each month
  • Council asking residents if they can recycle even more of their food waste
Clayfield Copse cropped

Council Taking Proactive Action Against Ash Dieback Disease

  • Ash dieback disease has been found at Clayfield Copse
  • Council will need to fell affected trees for public safety
  • All removed trees will be replaced to allow Clayfield Copse to thrive