Volunteers Join Forces for Community Clean-Up

RESIDENTS joined council officers and members of the Katesgrove Neighbourhood Police Team to carry out a clean-up around Katesgrove Underpass.

The Council’s Neighbourhood Initiatives Team helped organise the tidy-up following a meeting of Katesgrove Community Association where a number of keen residents suggested a community litter pick. Volunteers gathered on the morning of Saturday 30th June to pick up rubbish, weed and sweep cobwebs from the ceiling of the underpass and wash the walls. Much needed drinks and biscuits were provided by Tesco.

Cllr Sophia James, Lead Councillor for Neighbourhoods & Communities, said:

“I would like to say a very big thank you to residents, council officers and the neighbourhood police team who came out on a very hot Saturday morning to take part in this community clean-up. “It is great to see so many people getting together and making a positive difference to their neighbourhood.” Updates on future community events in the area can be found on the Katesgrove Community Association page on Facebook.