Pyjamarama Party Picnic Rhymetime in the Forbury Gardens
LIBRARIES in Reading will be celebrating with Pyjamarama themed Rhymetimes across the borough next week, including a special Pyjamarama Party Picnic Rhymetime in the Forbury Gardens.
Families are invited to join in with the free Pyjamarama Picnic Rhymetime in the Forbury Gardens with the Teddies Music Club and library staff on Tuesday 4th June at 10.30am. There will be a free book, as well as fun activity and Rhymetime sheets for every child attending. Dressing up in pyjamas is optional and weather permitting, everyone is encouraged to bring a rug and a picnic. Refreshments are available for purchase at the Forbury kiosk and toilets are available in the Forbury and nearby at Reading Museum. The event is part of the national Pyjamarama day organised by the Book Trust Karen Rowland, Lead Member for Culture, Heritage and Recreation, said:
“Reading and singing rhymes with your children is one of the best bonding experiences that parents and carers can share with their children. Pyjamarama is a fantastic opportunity to get children engaging with rhymes and reading from a young age. I’d encourage families to come along to our Pyjamarama in the Forbury Gardens on Tuesday 4th June, bring a picnic and enjoy a lovely open air rhymetime experience. ” There will also be Pyjamarama themed activities taking place on 4th June at Central Library. View information on all the events taking place across Reading Libraries here: Last year, over 23,200 babies and toddlers enjoyed free rhymetime sessions at libraries across Reading. Reading Library Service offers 18 rhymetimes every week, throughout the year – including during the holidays – and 4 storytimes a week during term time (with 3 during the holidays). As well as offering their ever popular library rhymetimes and storytimes, every year the library runs the Summer Reading Challenge, where children are encouraged to borrow and read at least six books over the holidays, with rewards for each book read. 1,717 children between the ages of 4 – 13 took part in last year’s Beano themed challenge, which also recruited 31 volunteers aged 14-18 and provided them with training and guidance to support younger children taking part in the reading challenge. The challenge plays a vital role in encouraging children to keep up with their reading skills over the long summer holiday and in nurturing a life-long love of reading. Activities for kids at Caversham Library During half terms and summer holidays, every library offers crafts and activites. Over 32,700 children attended Reading Libraries children’s events between April 2017 and April 2018. Caversham Library was recently voted by parents as one of the best locations for free Children’s entertainment in Berkshire in the 2019 Hoop Awards Branch manager, Jackie Perrow, said “It was so nice to be recognised by our customers. It’s a real team effort here – working with children is one of the things we all really love about our job!”Ends
About BookTrust
BookTrust is dedicated to getting children reading because we know that children who read are happier, healthier, more empathetic and more creative. Their early language development is supported and they also do better at school. We are the UK’s largest children’s reading charity; each year we reach 3.4 million children across the UK with books, resources and support to help develop a love of reading, because we know that reading can transform lives. We work with a variety of partners to get children excited about books, rhymes and stories, because if reading is fun, children will want to do it. Our books are delivered via health, library, schools and early years practitioners, and are supported with guidance, advice and resources to encourage the reading habit.