Looking out for others during the lockdown

Jo Parry, Reading Council Call Centre

“Most people are really thankful that people are thinking about them – it’s very reassuring for them.” Jo has worked for the Council’s call centre for the past 10 years. With two other colleagues, she is now focussed on calling over 400 vulnerable residents in Reading to check on their welfare and wellbeing.

Looking out for vulnerable adults

If you have concerns about a relative, friend or neighbour placing themselves and others at risk due to limited mental capacity, please contact us for support and advice. Living with conditions such as dementia, stroke or brain injury at any time brings everyday challenges for the person and those around them. Coronavirus is making daily life much harder. Similarly, people with learning disabilities, autism or mental health issues may also all struggle at this time to understand the situation and to follow the necessary guidelines to protect themselves and others. Individuals may feel anxious, scared or lonely. But they are not alone – help is available. If you have concerns about a relative, friend or neighbour placing themselves and others at risk due to limited mental capacity, please contact us for support and advice. If the situation is urgent please call the Council’s safeguarding team on 0118 937 3747 (01344 786 543 outside of office hours) or email safeguarding.adults@reading.gov.uk The following national organisations offer support: · Dementia support www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/coronavirus-covid-19 Alzheimer's Society's new personalised support service, Dementia Connect has a support line: 0333 150 3456 · Dementia UK: www.dementiauk.org/get-support/coronavirus-covid-19 call 0800 888 6678 · Stroke www.stroke.org.uk/finding-support/information-coronavirus-stroke-survivors call 0303 3033 100 · Brain Injury - Headway: www.headway.org.uk/news-and-campaigns/news/2020/coronavirus-and-brain-injury-we-re-here-for-you call 0808 800 2244 or email helpline@headway.org.uk · Learning disability - Mencap: www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/health/coronavirus-covid-19 call 0808 808 1111 email helpline@mencap.org.uk · Locally, Reading Mencap www.readingmencap.org.uk are helping children & adults with a learning disability and their families: If you, or someone you know, needs support, please call: 0118 966 2518 or email office@readingmencap.org.uk


Although sticking to the lockdown advice is essential in the current crisis, staying at home with limited human contact can have a significant impact on our mental wellbeing - and in particular - feelings of loneliness. Loneliness can affect people of all ages, particularly if they are quarantined at home. Engage Befriending https://engagebefriending.org is a local charity which links people who are isolated with a befriending volunteer. Normally, they support older people, but they recognise that some younger people may need help to combat loneliness at this time. If you or someone you know would benefit from a friendly call get in touch. Call 01189 567 000 and press option 2. The Campaign to End Loneliness www.campaigntoendloneliness.org has tips on keeping in touch, particularly for older people.