Residents Invited to Vote on Design For New Victoria Park Play Area
- Five exciting designs for residents to choose from.
- Investment of £458,000 in the new accessible Victoria Park George Street play area, part of £1m Council investment in play facilities for children.
Local residents are being invited to help choose the design for a new play area at a much-loved neighbourhood park, as part of the Council’s ongoing major investment in playgrounds across the town.
£458,000 is being invested in Victoria Park in Reading which includes relocating and upgrading the play equipment to create a new, exciting and accessible play area for children aged between 3 years and 12 years.
Residents can have their say on a shortlist of five possible designs at Victoria Park Play Area - Reading Borough Council - Citizen Space
They all offer an exciting mix of equipment that ensures the play area is accessible to children and carers using mobility aids such as wheelchairs and walking frames and equipment.
The Victoria Park play area consultation opened on Tuesday 7 May and closes on 10 June 2024, with residents encouraged to vote on their favourite design.
Adele Barnett-Ward, Reading Borough Council’s Lead Councillor for Leisure and Culture, said: “Outdoor play is so essential for children’s health and wellbeing, so investment in improved play facilities is always money well spent. Victoria Park remains a hugely popular destination with the local community, which is why I’m delighted we’re delivering this significant financial investment for local residents. I very much look forward to hearing what residents think about the designs.
“I’m encouraging local parents, carers and our young residents alike to take a look at these fantastic designs and let us know which one they would most enjoy. Every child deserves a place to play so we will also be consulting with our Accessible Play Task and Finish Group to ensure the new play area provides access for children and carers with mobility and support needs.”
Once complete, consultation results will be considered and form part of the final selection of the winning design. Other considerations include consultation with the Reading Access and Disabilities Working Group and detailed assessments on value for money and technical competency.
The winning design will be announced in late June 2024 with work currently planned to begin in the Autumn. The relocation of the play area was approved at April’s Planning Application Committee.