Property landlords invited to free information evening
- Free to attend evening on Wednesday 12 October will offer essential help and advice to landlords
- Attendees can find out about the Rent Guarantee Scheme and Reading Rent With Confidence
- Workshops and guest speakers will help landlords stay up to date on a range of topics
LANDLORDS around Reading are being invited to an event next week providing essential information on tax updates, developments in housing law and maximising energy efficiency amongst other key topics.
The free evening, hosted by the Rent Guarantee Scheme and staged by Reading Borough Council at its Civic Offices, will take place at 6pm on Wednesday 12 October and will include the National Residential Landlords Association giving a presentation on recent and upcoming developments in the sector.
Reading Borough Council takes a very proactive role in helping private landlords and tenants to find each other, build lasting relationships between them and improve the quality of rental properties available. Initiatives to do this include:
- Rent Guarantee Scheme, which matches people who need homes with landlords who have property to let. Benefits to the landlord include the Council paying the rent directly to them and guaranteeing to pay up to six weeks’ rent as a tenancy deposit. The service is completely free and includes ongoing support for both landlords and tenants.
- Reading Rent With Confidence, a Reading Council scheme landlords can join when they commit to a charter of housing and management standards in return for accreditation and the ability to advertise their properties to prospective tenants on the scheme’s website.
- Click Before You Evict, a website providing assistance for landlords addressing issues which could lead to problems with a tenancy, offering solutions and signposting support to avoid the need for eviction.
- Money Matters, a website giving helpful advice and signposting support to tenants struggling with their finances, from difficulties paying their rent to putting food on the table.
Optional workshops will be available for landlords attending the information evening, including how to maximise energy efficiency in rented property, how the Council works in partnership with the private sector in providing homes for Reading residents, a Tenancy Toolkit session offering practical advice about rent increases and notices, and HGR Accountancy Ltd covering tax updates for landlords.
Guests will have the opportunity to speak to a variety of teams from Reading Borough Council and there will be plenty of opportunity for networking.
The event will be opened by Councillor Ellie Emberson, Reading’s Lead Member for Housing, who said:
“Reading Borough Council is pleased to offer a wide range of support to both landlords and tenants within Reading’s private rental sector. This event is an important one for landlords to attend to find out about the various ways in which we can support and work with them to everyone’s benefit. Our Rent Guarantee Scheme and Reading Rent With Confidence are both innovative schemes which we use to ensure those with properties to rent in our Borough can do so confidently and securely and with added peace of mind for their tenants, so it is good for everybody. We look forward to meeting as many landlords as possible next week to talk to them about how we can help them”.
The Landlord Information Evening will open at 6pm with presentations starting at 6.30pm. All landlords are welcome - to book a place please email landlord.advice@reading.gov.uk, or call 01189 372233.