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Next steps for Reading Transport Strategy 2040

  • More than 500 responses to local transport plan statutory consultation which showed strong support for its vision and objectives
  • Reading Transport Strategy 2040 sets out ambitious vision for the future of travel in the borough
  • Councillors will be asked to recommend the town’s new local transport plan for adoption

A NEW local transport plan for Reading is set to move forward following an extensive statutory consultation.

More than 500 responses were received during the consultation into the Reading Transport Strategy 2040, which sets out an ambitious vision for the future of travel in the borough.

The core vision and underlying principles of the plan, alongside its policies, schemes and initiatives, were strongly supported and the strategy has been updated to take into account feedback.

Members of the Council’s Strategic Environment, Planning and Transport (SEPT) committee will be asked to recommend to Council that the plan be adopted, at a meeting on Thursday 27 June.

The transport strategy outlines the Council’s vision of providing even better bus and rail services, as well as improved walking and cycling facilities, to provide more attractive and affordable alternatives to the private car.

The ambition is to reduce congestion, tackle poor air quality which blights parts of Reading and create a healthier town for residents.

The Reading Transport Strategy is also a key element in the borough’s ambition to be net zero carbon by 2030. It similarly plays a key role in the Council’s wider ambition of ensuring every resident can share in the town’s success.

The Council’s aim is to provide residents and visitors easily accessible alternatives to the private car, with a key focus on affordable travel options to help tackle social inequalities, allowing all residents to easily access education, training, employment and leisure opportunities.

The Council received a significant amount of feedback through the statutory consultation which ran between September and December last year, with 504 respondents to the online survey and 17 written responses from key stakeholders. This was in addition to a consultation previously carried out in 2020.

The headline statistics were:

  • Vision and objectives – 68% of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed with the strategy vision and objectives while 22% either disagreed or strongly disagreed and 10% were unsure or did not answer.
  • Policies – 64% agreed or strongly agreed; 24% disagreed or strongly disagreed; 12% unsure or did not answer.
  • Schemes and initiatives – 60% agreed or strongly agreed; 25% disagreed or strongly disagreed; 15% unsure or did not answer.

There was also feedback on funding sources and ways to monitor the plan’s progress and detailed comments about specific schemes and policies.

Key updates to the strategy following the consultation includes:

  • Cross Thames Travel – text has been updated to clearly set out relevant parties’ positions and the Council’s desire to work with these stakeholders.
  • Cycling – text has been strengthened to clarify the Council’s desire to deliver segregated cycle infrastructure where this is feasible and funding is available.
  • Private car – references have been strengthened to recognise that the private car will still be an important mode of travel for many people.
  • Freight – the freight policies have been strengthened, including a policy to develop a freight strategy and work with partners to deliver improvements.

James Crosbie, Assistant Director for Planning, Transport and Public Protections Services, said:

“The borough’s new transport plan sets out an ambitious vision for the future of travel in Reading up to 2040.

“Reading’s Transport Strategy 2040 plays a vital role in promoting residents’ health and wellbeing, addressing inequalities, boosting economic recovery and tackling climate change.  

“The plan focuses on promoting sustainable transport options, such as even better bus services and improved walking and cycling facilities, as a realistic alternative to the private car, while recognising the continued importance of the car as a mode of travel for many.   

“We would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the online survey, attend a public drop-in session or send in comments as part of the strategy consultation.

“We believe we now have a strong local transport plan which addresses the key challenges and opportunities facing the borough and which will put Reading in the best possible position for the future.”

The SEPT committee report and the full Reading Transport Strategy 2040 can be found at:


If agreed, the strategy will be considered for adoption by Council at its meeting on 15 October 2024.