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Next Phase of Financial Support for Residents

  • Council announces details of financial support for residents to help with the cost of living this winter
  • Pensioners no longer eligible for Winter Fuel Payment who are also in receipt of support from the Council Tax Reduction scheme and / or Housing Benefit will be sent a cost of living voucher worth £200

THE Council has welcomed the Government’s extension of financial support to help local people with the cost of living, as it again prepares to direct Household Support Fund money to where it is most needed in Reading this winter.

As part of the package of financial support being distributed by the Council, pensioner households in Reading who are no longer eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment, and who are also in receipt of support from the Council Tax Reduction scheme and / or Housing Benefit, will be sent a cost of living voucher worth £200. The Council already holds details of approximately 1,100 residents who are eligible, and vouchers will be automatically distributed from December.

Also from December, cost of living vouchers worth £125 each will be distributed to every household in Reading where a child is automatically eligible for Pupil Premium Free School Meals. Approximately 3,900 households are expected to receive the vouchers and again the Council already holds details of eligible residents. An estimated 260 care leavers in the town will also receive a £125 cost of living voucher from December.

Starting next month (4th November), regardless of other support received from the Household Support Fund, residents on low incomes will additionally be able to apply for a one off payment of £125. They will be able to do this via the Council’s website at https://www.reading.gov.uk/housing/money-matters/household-support-fund/

And from November, the Council’s Public Health team will be utilising £95,000 worth of financial support to provide additional capacity to voluntary sector organisations in Reading who help residents in need.

The Council’s dedicated Household Support Fund webpage has been updated with details of the updated scheme and can be found at https://www.reading.gov.uk/housing/money-matters/household-support-fund/.

Councillor Liz Terry, Reading Council Leader, said:

“We know from the number of people approaching the Council for support that the cost-of-living crisis has not gone away. We also know the Council’s vouchers can mean the difference between putting food on the table or being able to pay for heating.

 “This year the Council has chosen to additionally use some of the funding available to direct support to pensioners in Reading no longer eligible for the Winter Fuel Allowance, but who are also in receipt of support through the Council Tax reduction scheme and / or Housing Benefit. Alongside the cost of living vouchers for families and care leavers, these will be distributed in December.

 “We are grateful to the Government for acknowledging the importance of the Household Support Fund scheme to local councils and for extending it through the winter.”

 Councillor Ellie Emberson, Lead for Corporate Services and Resources, said:  

 “The Council has designed a local package of support which directs this invaluable funding to households in Reading who will most need it this winter, which again includes families claiming pupil premium free school meals, care leavers and pensioners.

 “I’d also draw residents’ attention to the application process which begins in November for households who, for a variety of reasons, may find themselves facing particular hardship over the coming months. The application process is open to all households, regardless of whether they are eligible for cost of living vouchers as part of this scheme. I’d urge anyone who finds themselves in this position to visit the Council’s dedicated webpage for more information on how to apply.”

Reading Council’s total HSF allocation from Government for September 2024 to April 2025 is £1,130,648.