New Community Leaflets to Help Crackdown on Crime and Nuisance

A SERIES of leaflets have been produced by the Council and Police to help residents report crime and nuisance in their area.

Ten different community information publications have been printed for different parts of the borough with content tailored for each one. The leaflets give handy tips and advice on issues such as anti-social behaviour, parking and fly-tipping along with Council and Police telephone numbers and email addresses to report problems. The ‘Reporting Crime & Nuisance’ leaflets are being distributed through community groups, such as the Safer Neighbourhood Forums, and delivered to households in areas where there are known problems. They can also be found online at, and then search for Safer Neighbourhood Forum, or you can pick up hard copies at Community Centres, South Reading and Southcote Community Hubs and the Borough’s Libraries. Each leaflet addresses common problems and specific issues which arise in different parts of the borough and lists contact details of local groups residents may wish to join, such as Safer Neighbourhood Forums and Residents Associations. A separate leaflet has also been produced with information for residents across the borough on unauthorised encampments. The publication explains the procedure the Council takes when travellers are discovered on its land, what the Police’s responsibilities are and the ways residents can report unauthorised encampments and any associated anti-social behaviour, crime or disorder.

Councillor Sophia James, Lead Councillor for Neighbourhoods and Communities, said:

“This set of leaflets is a really useful resource for residents across the borough. “Each leaflet contains information relevant to that community and gives tips and advice on how residents can help the Council and Police tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. “There are lots of telephone numbers and email addresses which will enable households to contact the right people if they have any concerns. “The leaflet on unauthorised encampments clearly explains the role and responsibilities of the Council and Police in these situations and answers a lot of common questions on the subject.” ENDS