Help Keep Reading Tidy In The Great British Spring Clean
- The Great British Spring Clean runs from Friday 15 – Sunday 31 March
- People can sign up for free litter picking equipment by joining the Council's RAYS scheme
More Reading residents than ever before will be getting outside later this month to help tidy up their local communities as part of the Great British Spring Clean that runs from 15 – 31 March.
With over 50 new registrations to the Council’s popular Reading Adopt Your Street (RAYS) scheme in the last year, more volunteers than ever before have been provided with litter pickers, 100% recycled plastic bags, gloves and hi-vis jackets to keep their local area tidy.
RAYS has options for individuals, community groups, businesses and schools, and will provide all the equipment needed for those interested to keep streets, open spaces, footpaths, parks and shopping areas litter-free.
Whilst RAYS members operate all year round, they will also be supporting the nationwide Great British Spring Clean, now in its ninth year as the nation’s biggest mass-action environmental campaign. Reading Borough Council is also supporting the campaign by offering support and equipment to all other residents inspired to join the RAYS movement and do their bit to keep Reading clean for all. Speak with your neighbours or local community group and co-ordinate a group of individuals to take positive action in your area. If you need some help with getting a crew together, don’t despair; you can visit www.reading.gov.uk/RAYS or contact RAYS@reading.gov.uk to find out more.
Other ways that residents can help is by reporting full bins or other waste related issues such as fly tipping via:
- The Love Clean Streets app, downloadable from your phone’s app store, where you can report incidences immediately along with photographic evidence and an exact location
- Contacting the Council via social media on Facebook or Twitter, or by phone on 01189 373787
Although the Great British Spring Clean ends on 31 March, residents can join the RAYS scheme in any month to help ensure Reading stays clean all year round.
Karen Rowland, Reading’s Lead Member for Environmental Services and Community Safety, said:
“The Great British Spring Clean is a brilliant initiative that bolsters the appetite Reading residents already have for taking pride in where they live through our RAYS scheme.
Keep Britain Tidy reported that last year 96% of participants in the Great British Spring Clean felt they had made a positive difference to their local area and 84% agreed that their involvement helped them to feel inspired to do more to improve the environment.
Reading has every reason to be proud of the many residents that already take action to improve the look and appearance of their own area. The exhilaration they feel from doing something positive, even small, to lift their surroundings is a buzz worth catching.
If you can provide a bit of enthusiasm and get up and go, please do sign up to our RAYS programme and feel that sense of satisfaction others find when doing something positive for their community. We can provide the support and equipment, and together we can get Reading looking fabulous for the summer”.
Keep Britain Tidy’s Chief Executive, Allison Ogden-Newton OBE, said:
“The Great British Spring Clean simply would not be possible without the backing of our community partners.
“We are so grateful for the ongoing support from Reading Borough Council.
“The Great British Spring Clean is a fantastic way for councils to support residents to really show their pride in where they live, and connect with like-minded people, while taking serious and immediate action to protect the environment on their doorstep.
“During this year’s campaign, we are highlighting that the environment belongs to everyone, and that everyone is welcome to join in with Keep Britain Tidy’s activities and 70th anniversary celebrations.
“Local authorities play a critical role in engaging and supporting volunteers on the ground. “Whether it’s a pledge to pick one bag - or 70 for our anniversary, Reading can feel proud to see its volunteers carrying out these acts of kindness to make the borough a cleaner, safer place for our future generations”.
Find out more about the Great British Spring Clean at www.keepbritaintidy.org/gbspringclean