£44,000 available to help reduce health inequalities in Reading
Voluntary and community organisations across Reading can now apply for grants up to £10,000 to help reduce health inequalities across the borough.
Reading Council’s vision is to help Reading realise its potential and to ensure that everyone who lives and works here can share the benefits of its success. Tackling health inequalities which exist in the borough form an essential part of that work.
The grants are designed to support community-based organisations working with those at the greatest risk of experiencing poor health outcomes and health inequalities, including those groups who face barriers to vaccination. The funding is being delivered as part of the Council’s Community Health Champions programme, in partnership with the Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality (ACRE).
Lead Councillor for Education and Public Health, Cllr Ruth McEwan said: “We hope this funding will support organisations at the heart of Reading to reduce health inequalities that prevent our most vulnerable residents from accessing the highest quality health and wellbeing care.
“We know that working with our grass-roots community organisations will ensure that this funding reaches the residents most in need and helps us support them to live healthy lives.”
Organisations from the voluntary and community sector can apply for grants of up to £10,000, from an overall funding pot of £44,000, to support the infrastructure and/or additional capacity they need to expand an existing service, deliver services in a different way or to develop new services which help reduce health inequalities.
As part of the funding, successful organisations will be expected to recruit a voluntary Community Health Champion from their organisation to help support the project during and beyond the funding lifecycle.
Cllr McEwan continued: “Our Community Health Champions programme has been really successful at building key relationships across the borough and through the grants programme we hope to grow this scheme to develop stronger links into our communities.”
Applications for the grants opened on 1 March 2024 and interested organisations have until Friday 22 March 2024 to submit their applications which can be made here via the Reading Borough Council website: Reading Community Health Champions Projects Grants - Reading Borough Council