Face coverings
Updated 26 July 2020 The latest national safety guidance is to wear a face covering at all times on public transport, in shops and supermarkets or when attending a hospital as a visitor or outpatient: www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own There are a number of exemptions. To find out if you are exempt visit: www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own#when-you-do-not-need-to-wear-a-face-covering You can also download and print (or save to your phone) an exemption card: www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own We've put together a handy guide to wearing and looking after your face coverings safely: If you need a face covering in a hurry, why not try making your own from an odd sock: