Bet Tickner
IT is with great sadness that the Council has learnt of the passing of former Mayor and long-time Reading Councillor, Bet Tickner.
Bet Tickner was first elected as an Abbey ward Councillor in May 2002. She served her same Abbey ward constituents for 16 consecutive years, stepping down in May 2018.
In 2006 she also held the post of Mayor of Reading.
Bet Tickner was previously a BBC journalist who was based at its famous Caversham Park studios.
She also served on the Royal Berkshire Hospital Board over a number of years and held the position of Trustee of the Reading Refugee Support Group.
Reading Mayor, Councillor Tony Page, said:
“Bet was not only a colleague but also a long-standing personal friend. We worked closely together over the years to represent the interests of Abbey ward. Besides her obvious passion for Reading and supporting the Royal Berkshire Hospital and local NHS, Bet was also a committed internationalist and a keen supporter of the Refugee Support Group, of which she was a trustee for some years. Her enthusiasm and passion will be sadly missed.”
Bet Tickner is survived by her son Paul and her sisters Marion and Sue.