30,000 2nd Reminder Letters Delivered
AROUND 30,000 households are receiving a second reminder letter as the Council continues its push to ensure as many residents as possible complete their annual canvass form.
With Local Borough elections taking place in Reading in May 2019, local residents are being warned not to lose their voice by making sure they return their household enquiry forms as quickly as possible. Registering to vote can also help residents:- Open a bank account
- Get a mortgage
- Buy a mobile phone
- Get a loan or store card
Christopher Brooks, Electoral Registration Returning Officer at Reading Borough Council, said:
“It’s important that residents respond as soon as possible, so we can make sure we have the right details on the electoral register for every address in Reading. To make sure you are able to have your say at elections taking place next year, simply check the form when it arrives and respond as soon as you can. “If you’re not currently registered, your name will not appear on the form. If you want to register, the easiest way is online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote, or we’ll send you information explaining how to do this in the post. In any case, you will still need to complete the form and send it back to us.” People who have moved address recently are particularly encouraged to keep an eye out for the form and check the details. Research by the independent Electoral Commission indicates that recent home movers are far less likely to be registered than those that have lived at the same address for a long time. Across Great Britain, 94% of people who have been at their property for more than sixteen years will be registered, compared to 40% of people who have lived at an address for less than one year. Any residents who have any questions can contact their local registration team at elections@reading.gov.uk or on 0118 937 3717.