Reading Borough Council
Reading is home to 174,200 residents and 67,700 households (ONS Census 2021), while around 233,000 people live in Reading’s greater urban area.
Reading 2021 Census Data can be found here https://www.reading.gov.uk/about-reading/profile-of-reading/
Reading is the principal regional and commercial centre of the Thames Valley, a major retail and leisure destination, with a thriving night-time economy.
There has been a huge shift in the town’s economy, from its origins in ‘beer, biscuits and bulbs’ to a compact service economy which specialises in business and insurance services, and has some of the finest high-tech business parks in the South East, with many international companies such as Microsoft and Oracle choosing Reading as their home.
The town is a major transport interchange, continuing to benefit from its strategic location on the M4 corridor and proximity to Heathrow Airport and London. Reading is also home to the University of Reading and Reading College, with a large percentage of the local working population highly skilled.
However, prosperity has brought its own problems, with pressure on infrastructure, communities and the environment. The high cost of living and, in particular, the high cost of housing, have had a significant impact on local communities. Although Reading can undoubtedly demonstrate success and wealth, the town also contains wards amongst some of the most deprived in the country.
Our vision is: "to help Reading realise its potential and to ensure that everyone who lives and works here can share the benefits of its success."
More information on the Council's corporate plan can be found at: https://www.reading.gov.uk/the-council-and-democracy/council-strategies-plans-and-policies/corporate-plan/council-corporate-plan-2022-to-2025/
Information on the Leader of the Council, Lead Councillors and all Councillors can be found here: https://democracy.reading.gov.uk/mgMemberIndex.aspx?bcr=1